A downloadable game
In the year 2157, a catastrophic event known as the Elemental Decay has left the world in ruins. The once-thriving cities are now desolate wastelands, and the air is filled with toxic radioactive rain that can corrode anything it touches. Humanity has been forced to adapt, living in underground bunkers to escape the deadly downpour.
You play as Alex Mercer, a skilled scavenger and survivor, equipped with a high-tech suit that shields against the radioactive rain for a limited time. Your mission is to explore the world and collect precious gems that have emerged as a result of the Elemental Decay. These gems are believed to hold the key to restoring balance and reversing the effects of the catastrophe.
Controls ;- A/D for Movement
Left Shift for Dashing / Sprinting
Space for Jump / Ledge Climb
Left Mouse for Attack
Lose to win in the Dying Planet or
Trust the time and be safe in the dark
Develop By Saurabh
Status | Released |
Author | bindo56 |
Genre | Survival, Adventure, Puzzle |
Tags | Minimalist, rain, Singleplayer |
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